What’s It All About?

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always , to the end of the age. 

Matt 28:19-20

What makes you “tick”?  In other words, why do you do what you do?  Too often, I hear people say they are stuck in their present circumstances.  When asked about their calling, passion, or God’s will for their lives, many don’t know.  And a few honestly say, “I’ve never really thought about it.”  After all, the goal of life is to just “keep your head above water”.  Right?

So here’s my thought:  Is God honored if we’re simply “keeping our head above water”?  The world tells us that busyness = success.  But is that really true?  I know many people who are busy (or would quickly convince you they are).  I understand life happens.  The kids have social events, ball games, or practice.  School or employment commitments are always real.  The point is there are more opportunities for busyness than ever before.  On the other hand, choices have always been choices.

Where I spend my time, money, and energy is about choices that I make.  And as a parent of children that don’t understand priorities just yet, it’s also my responsibility to determine their priorities and teach them to do the same.

God chose to make people His priority.  Jesus Christ not only made people His priority, He told us to do the same.  Words like Go, make disciples, baptizing, and teaching in the text above carry the meaning of action – putting people first.  You want to worship God?  Love people!  And anything more important than God or other people is selfish.

Let’s not fall for the adage of busyness = success.  After all, there are many things that aren’t good for us which keep us busy.  Real life (ZOE) happens when we’re about what God is about.  Let’s agree to do an honest evaluation and make appropriate changes.  Let’s determine now to make our priorities God’s priorities.  And then live!

2 Responses to “What’s It All About?”

  1. What I love about God’s Word is how he speaks to us: GO! DO NOT BE AFRAID! I AM WITH YOU! BE STRONG! HAVE COURAGE! CALL ON ME! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU! God always precedes what he wants us to do with these words – more than words – these promises! Yet – you’re right – we tend to live our life as mundane as the ticking of the second hand clock. God is eager to see us, to not just “step” out in faith, but to FLY, to SOAR like an Eagle and to love Him and believe in His Promises. How do we go about it all? I think it’s like when we go to Him in prayer – He is always there – ready to listen, to hold us, to laugh at us too I think… But just like He is always ready and willing – we should be ready – be listening for what He plans to do with us – and then take off!

    And there are days when we just can’t. But I believe that in those days, if we turn our face toward heaven and call out – that he will say the same to the broken hearted: Do not be afraid… I am with you.

    Good message Hermano Miguel! Missed you!

    • Missed you too Maria! Scripture tells us when we don’t know what/how to pray, the Spirit intercedes for us. We are so inept in many ways. And yet God is faithful. You wrote, “But I believe that in those days, if we turn our face toward heaven and call out – that he will say the same to the broken hearted: Do not be afraid… I am with you.” I know that to be true. I also know God is not satisfied leaving us where we are. Much to think about. Thanks.

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